Saturday, February 28, 2015

Salesforce for Outlook Sync Error

Sync contacts between Salesforce and Microsoft Outlook using Salesforce for Outlook plugin.
System Used
Windows 7 PC, Microsoft Outlook 2010, Saleforce Enterprise Edition and Salesforce for Outlook 2.4.2.
Microsoft Outlook and Salesforce for Outlook already installed on the PC and have to sync all the contacts in the Outlook with Salesforce using Salesforce for Outlook plugin. All the contacts are saved in the default Contact Folder.
Right Click on the Salesforce for Outlook > Sync > Sync Now
We get following error.

Sync Log
ERROR [Contact] *********** Sync Engine *********** Error Sfdc.Outlook.OLInvalidRecordTypeException: Required Outlook Type: Contact
at Sfdc.Outlook.RDORecordConverter.ConvertADORecordsetToOLRecordCore(IRDOFolder folder, OLEntityType requiredEntityType, Recordset dataSet, IList`1 mappedFields, OLRecordId storeEntryId, Boolean useType)
at Sfdc.Outlook.RDORecordConverter.ConvertADORecordsetToOLRecord(IRDOFolder folder, Recordset dataSet, IList`1 fieldList, OLRecordId storeEntryId, Boolean useType)
at Sfdc.Outlook.OLSession.QueryFolderWithMinFields(OLRecordId folder, OLRecordId store, OLEntityType entityType, IEnumerable`1 fields, String filter)
at Sfdc.Outlook.OLSyncConnector.GetChangedData(IEnumerable`1 folders, String filter, Boolean checkActualDeletes)
at Sfdc.Synchronization.SyncEngine.GetChangesFromOutlook()
Please follow the outline below.
1. Take backup of Outlook (.pst) and Export all the contacts in the excel (.csv) - Very Important.
2. Close the Microsoft Outlook.
3. Uninstall Salesforce for Outlook Plugin.
4. Start Menu > Search (%AppData%) Enter >  Click Folder (Delete the Folder).
5.  Install the Salesforce for Outlook Plugin
6. Right Click on Salesforce for Outlook Plugin > Settings > Login > Allow > Choose Folders

7. Outlook must be running. Hence Start Microsoft Outlook 2010.

8. Select Contact Folder > Next
9. Select Manual or Automatic Syncing > Next
10. If you want sync Private Contacts check Include Private Contacts. If you don't want to sync Private Contacts unchecked the Include Private Contacts and Save.

11. Right Click on Salesforce for Outlook in the Taskbar > Sync > Sync Now (If Manual)

Note: - If the Microsoft Outlook is not connected to the server then we may get the above error. One reason may be when the outlook is not connected to the server is when the password is not entered in the outlook. That time the server disconnects and we are unable to sync contacts using Salesforce for Outlook. Microsoft Outlook must be connected to the server.

Friday, February 27, 2015

User Interface Settings (S15)

Modify your organization's user interface with the following settings:

Navigation: Customize > User Interface

User Interface

Enable Collapsible Sections
Collapsible sections give users the option to collapse or expand sections on their record detail pages using the arrow icon next to the section heading.

 Show Quick Create
The Quick Create area on a tab home page allows users to create a new record quickly with minimal information.

Enabled (Bottom Left corner of home page for leads, accounts, contacts, opportunities and forecasts).

Enable Hover Details
Hover details display an interactive overlay containing detailed information about a record when users hover the mouse over a link to that record in the Recent Items list on the sidebar or in a lookup field on a record detail page.

Enable Related List Hover Links
Related list hover links display at the top of record detail pages and custom object detail pages in Setup.

Enable Separate Loading of Related Lists
When enabled, users see primary record details immediately; as related list data loads, users see a progress indicator.

Enable Inline Editing
Inline editing lets users quickly edit field values, right on a record’s detail page.

Enable Enhanced Lists
Enhanced lists give you the ability to quickly view, customize, and edit list data to speed up your daily productivity.

Enable New User Interface Theme
The new user interface theme updates the look and feel of Salesforce and moves user links, such as Setup and Logout, under the user name for all users in your organization.
When Disabled

Enable Tab Bar Organizer
The Tab Bar Organizer automatically arranges tabs in the main tab bar to prevent horizontal scrolling of the page.

When Enabled

When Disabled

Enable Printable List Views
Printable list views allow users to easily print list views.

Enable Spell Checker
When enabled, the Check Spelling button appears in certain areas of the application where text is entered, such as sending an email, or when creating events, tasks, cases, notes, and solutions.

Enable Spell Checker on Tasks and Events
Enables the Check Spelling button when users create or edit tasks or events.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Avoid using the same record name when cloning the existing record.

Note: Contacts were added in the Default Mailing List. With the help of the triggers we were also able to clone the contacts when we cloned the campaign record.

Step 1: Create a New Field on the Campaign (Hidden from the users).

             Data Type: Text

             Navigation: Customize > Campaigns > Fields > New


Step 2: Create a Validation Rule

             Navigation: Customize > Campaigns > Validation Rule

 Step 3: Create a Workflow Rule
              Navigation: Create > Workflow & Approvals > Workflow Rules

               Workflow Actions > New Field Update

Activate the workflow rule.

Step 4: Clone the existing campaign record using same campaign name. Hence we are getting the error. We need to change the Campaign Name to save the record.

Duplication Management - Salesforce (S15 Release)

Maintain clean and accurate data in the Salesforce.

Available: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited and Developer Edition.

Step 1: Setup > Administration > Duplicate Management > Matching Rules > New Rules

 Step 2: Select Object (Note: Accounts, Contacts, Leads and Custom Objects are available objects.)


Step 3: Configure Matching Rule

Matching Criteria
Field: First Name
Matching Method: Exact (Save)

(Two Options)
                Exact: This method looks for strings that match a pattern exactly.
                Fuzzy: This method looks for strings that match a pattern approximately.

Match Blank Fields (Checkbox): If you select this option for any field, and that field is blank     in both of the records being compared, the fields are considered matches.

Step 4: Activate

Matching Rule Activation: An email will be sent once activation process is complete.

Matching Rule:
                Status: Active

Step 5: Setup > Administration > Duplicate Management > Duplicate Rules > New Rules (Select Object)

Duplicate Rules work together with matching rules to prevent users from creating duplicate records.

Step 6:
Rule Details:
            Rule Name:

Record- Level Security:

Enforce sharing rules: The matching rule compares only records that the user has access to, and the resulting list of possible duplicates includes only records the user has access to.

Bypass sharing rules: The matching rule compares all records, regardless of user access, but the resulting list of possible duplicates includes only records the user has access to.

Action On Create: Allow/Block (Allow or Block on record creations).
Action On Edit: Allow/Block (Allow or Block while editing records).
                Alert Text: Enter the alert message

                Alert: Alerts the user while create/editing the record.
                Report: Record and all its duplicates will be included in the report.
Note: When the action (Block) is selected the alert is already included and the alert checkbox removed.  

Matching Rules
                Compare Contacts With: Contacts (Select Object)
                Manage Rules: First Name (Select Matching Rule created before)

Conditions (Optional)
                Specify the conditions a record must meet for the rule to run. 

Step 6: Activate

Duplicate error on the record