Sunday, March 22, 2015

Salesforce – Profiles: Password Policies

Password Policies settings specify password requirements, and can be used to customize how passwords are used.

Setup > Manager Users > Profiles (Select a profile) Custom Sales Profile

System > Password Policies

Password Policies > Edit

User password expire in: Set the number of days. After 90 days the password will expire.

Enforce password history: 3 passwords remembered. You can’t use the last 3 passwords.

Minimum password length:  5, 8 10 and 12 minimum characters required for the password.

Password complexity requirement: The requirement for which types of characters must be used in a user’s password.

Password question requirement:  Answer to the password hint question cannot contain the password itself; or none.

Maximum invalid login attempts: How many times you can try invalid attempts before getting locked out.

Lockout effective period: The duration of the login lockout. The default is 15 minutes.

Obscure secret answer for password resets: Hides answer for the security question when you type.

Require a minimum 1 day password lifetime: When enabled passwords can’t be changed more than once in a 24 hour period.

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